• Silo Your Content

    I’ve done some really fun work with the folks at Nav43 doing some small websites and some large builds on WordPress & WooCommerce. One of the things that came up when they did their SEO audit was a way of “siloing content” – meaning anything that’s a blog article under “/blog” and anything to do…

  • Page Builders in the Age of Gutenberg

    Questions covered: What’s page builder? If you already use a page builder on your site, would you consider switching to Gutenberg? When starting a new WordPress site, what considerations would you take when choosing between a page builder, Gutenberg or the classic editor? Which one would you choose? Is Gutenberg using flexbox, grid layout or…

  • WP Coffee Podcast

    Watch/listen on the WP Coffee Talk website.

  • Funky CSS buttons

    Working on a new project that will (hopefully) be launched soon, I received designs a few weeks ago. Well designed, nothing out of the ordinary, except this button: I love the design, so I really wanted the look and animation to be amazing. So I found a tutorial that uses an outer and inner element,…

  • Not just witty comments in your code

    Documentation best practices for themes, plugins and APIs, Presentation at WordCamp Hamilton 2019 What? Documentation Helps guide the end user around your plugin/theme/package/etc Can be either a user guide or code reference Comments Help guide the developer (you or someone using your code) understand what they’re looking at Aids in the automated creation of a…

  • Get on the Dev Train

    There are days when you get on the train and you think it’s just going to be another day of the commuter life. Then there are days like a day last fall, where I noticed the octocat sticker on the back of the phone of the guy in front of me. He had plugged his…

  • HTML in Functions Kills Kittens: MVC In WordPress Plugins and Themes

    These are the speaker notes for the talk that I gave at WordCamp Ottawa or Toronto 2017. If that’s where you get the address from, you’re in the right place! I have an example boilerplate at the bottom of the post. I would love to hear from you on this talk. Questions? Kudos? Criticism? Leave…

  • #wpdrama or Conference Planning 101

    Another WordCamp has come and gone. I’ve been going to WordCamp Toronto since the beginning—2007—and I’ve seen some of the best planned and best speakers I’ve seen this side of a $1000 conference; some even better. For the last year I’ve actually taken the plunge into speaking at some of the WordCamps in the Southern…

  • Using Yoast or Breadcrumb NavXT in Page Builders

    I’m a huge fan of Beaver Builder, not so much a fan of Divi Builder; sometimes, when you’re building out pages in one of those (or others) you use a template that doesn’t have standard headers or footers. Though it’s not as in style as it used to be, some clients/UX designers still like having…